This Wednesday, June 12, 2013, from 9 AM to 10 AM Pacific Daylight Time (noon to 1 PM Eastern Daylight Time), I will be appearing on Los Angeles-based Internet radio station I will discuss (1) several important legal developments including the recent $1.3 million award in an infant circumcision case in the Chicago area as well as circumcision-related lawsuits in Queens and in South Africa and a lawsuit filed by the Southern Poverty Law Center over the genital mutilation of an intersex child; (2) ARC’s letter to the Canadian Pediatric Society regarding their expected position statement on male circumcision; (3) recent developments relating to the upcoming October 2013 ethical debate in South Carolina regarding the legality of male circumcision between me and Dr. Michael Brady of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Circumcision Task Force; and (4) a survey of intactivist events to be covered in our next newsletter issue including Genital Integrity Awareness Week and Intaction’s protest of Bill Clinton’s appearance.

LATalkRadio station does carry a live feed so you can listen from anywhere in the world by going to Also a recording of the show will be made available shortly afterwards on Maria’s website

Steven Svoboda
Attorneys for the Rights of the Child