The Royal Dutch Medical Association published an official statement opposing male circumcision, which they forwarded to ARC with the two attachments linked below. They asked that we pass the good news along to our friends and colleagues:

KNMG-press-release (pdf)
KNMG-Viewpoint (pdf)

—– Original Message —–
From: Dijk van, Gert
To: [ARC] Sent: Friday, May 28, 2010 2:24 AM
Subject: Royal Dutch Medical Association viewpoint on male circumcision

Dear sir,

The Royal Dutch Medical Association yesterday published an official viewpoint on male circumcision. You can find the viewpoint and the press relase attached. Would you be so kind as to forward these docoments to people who might be interested in the subject?

Thank you for your trouble!

Best regards,

Gert van Dijk, KNMG

Met vriendelijke groet,

Drs. Gert van Dijk Beleidsmedewerker Ethiek
Artsenfederatie KNMG
Mercatorlaan 1200, Utrecht
Postbus 20051, 3502 LB Utrecht
Tel: 030-2823339/06-14802027