The Journal of Urology has recently published the most extensive study of HIV and circumcision ever completed. The study, entitled, “Circumcision and Risk of HIV Among Males from Ontario, Canada,” was published in the September 2021 issue of the journal and is authored by Madhur Nayan, Robert J. Hamilton, David N. Juurlink, Peter C. Austin, and Keith A. Jarvi. The study examined an astounding 570,000 males, encompassing all males born in the Canadian province of Ontario who underwent circumcision at any age between the years 1991 and 2017. The study concluded that circumcision provides no protective effect in regards to contracting HIV.
We are confident that at long last this will put to rest the frantic quest of circumcision advocates to find any shred of evidence to support the continued mutilation of babies.
For our readers’ convenience, the study may be accessed here.