We are very honored that In Search of Fatherhood magazine has promoted our work several times over the years.
We first appeared the Autumn 2009 issue, which featured a six-page interview with Steven Svoboda about his work with Attorneys for the Rights of the Child, as well as a small picture on the cover along with other people also discussed in this issue.
In March 2013 In Search of Fatherhood issued this press release regarding ARC’s work.
In addition, many of their issues have included reprints of our articles:
- The Winter 2014 issue featured Steven Svoboda along with two other activists on the cover, and reprinted the first installment of Steven’s article, “Educating the United Nations about Circumcision,” which was presented at the Padua Symposium in 2004 and describes the team Steven took to the UN in 2001 when the male genital integrity issue was first placed in the official UN record.
- The Autumn 2013 issue reprinted the fourth and final installment of Steven’s article, “The Limits of the Law: Comparative Analysis of Legal and Extralegal Methods to Control Child Body Mutilation Practices“, and featured Steven along with two other activists on the cover.
- The Summer 2013 issue featured a reprint of part three of Steven’s article, “The Limits of the Law: Comparative Analysis of Legal and Extralegal Methods to Control Child Body Mutilation Practices.”
- The Spring 2013 issue featured a reprint of part two of Steven’s article, “The Limits of the Law: Comparative Analysis of Legal and Extralegal Methods to Control Child Body Mutilation Practices.”
- The Winter 2013 issue published a reprint of Steven’s article with Bob Van Howe and Frederick Hodges, “Prophylactic Interventions on Children: Balancing Human Rights with Public Health,” originally published in 2002 in the Journal of Medical Ethics on ethical requirements for prophylactic interventions on children including prophylactic mastectomy, immunization, cosmetic ear surgery, and male circumcision.
- The Autumn 2012 issue featured Steven Svoboda on the cover (along with a couple other activists) and published his article on genital autonomy, that is, on the importance of protecting all children from genital cutting regardless of whether they are male, female or intersex. The article also looks at the practice of cosmetic female genital cutting by consenting adults. The article is titled, “Promoting Genital Autonomy by Exploring Commonalities between Male, Female, Intersex, and Cosmetic Female Genital Cutting,” and is adapted from the paper Steven presented on September 1, 2011 at the conference held at the University of Keele in England on “Law, Human Rights, and Non-Therapeutic Interventions on Children.” This is the same article that was subsequently published by Global Discourse.
- The Summer 2012 issue included Steven Svoboda (along with some other activists) on the cover, and printed his updated article summarizing our 2001 delegation to the United Nations, at which our oral and written presentations became the first official UN documents centrally addressing male circumcision as a human rights issue.
- The Spring 2012 issue featured Steven Svoboda (along with a couple other activists and scholars) on the cover, and reprinted his article, “‘Three Fourths Were Abnormal’ – Misha’s Case, Sick Societies, and the Law,” originally published in 2010 by Springer based a presentation at the 2008 Seattle symposium.
The magazine (http://globalfatherhooddialogue.blogspot.com) and its editor Diane Sears are as always to be commended for their unwavering commitment to making the world a better place and to publicizing and promoting numerous folks’ activism in a number of different areas designed to enhance the health and well-being of children and families. Anyone who is interested in a sample issue should contact Diane at insearchoffatherhood@gmail.com