In December 2003, Denmark’s National Council for Children called for the outlawing of male circumcision. Although in 2001 Swedish legislators came close to outlawing male circumcision outright prior to passing their historic law restricting it in 2001, this is to our knowledge the first such outright call for making the practice illegal by a government-affiliated agency.

The NCC was established in 1994 and made permanent by the Danish Parliament in 1997. The NCC works to safeguard the rights of children, assessing the conditions under which children in Denmark live in relation to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, and offering advice and consultancy to authorities on issues concerning children’s conditions and take children’s views on board in our work. While politically independent, the Council receives an annual grant from the Danish government and is linked with the Danish Ministry of Social Affairs. The NCC’s chairperson and two board members are appointed by the Danish Minister for Social Affairs.

*news article below:

National Council for Children calls for ban on male circumcision

The National Council for Children has called on lawmakers to make male circumcision illegal.

While media reports of female circumcision in Denmark have caused a public outcry and prompted lawmakers to amend existing legislation, this unacceptable practice is still a lot less common than the circumcision of boys, the chairman of the council told Danish media this morning.

The chairman is now calling on legislators to ban male circumcision for the benefit of the children.
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