Male circumcision is an outmoded, harmful practice lacking any valid justification in law, medicine, ethics, and religion.
No rationale can excuse such starkly different protection of male and female children.
Attorneys for the Rights of the Child
ARC Mission
To secure equal protection for, and broaden public and legal recognition of, children’s legal and human rights to bodily integrity and self-determination that are violated by unnecessary genital cutting of male, female and intersex children.
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ARC Accomplishments
United Nations Project
We gave oral and written presentations putting the issue of male genital mutilation on the United Nations record for the first time…
Unofficially Winning Circumcision Debate with AAP Task Force Member
The Twentieth Pitts Lectureship in Medical Ethics, held on October 18-19, 2013, marked a debate regarding the ethics of male circumcision in which Steven Svoboda unofficially defeated Michael Brady, M.D., a member of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Task Force on Circumcision…
Recent Blog Posts
Followup on Good News From the UK: Retired British Physician Publishes Powerful Rapid Response to English Surgeon’s Jailing
Further good news from the UK regarding the doctor who was recently sentenced to more than five years for operating an unsafe child circumcision service. Dr. Alejandro M. Sanchez, a retired National Health Service [...]
Good News From the UK: English Surgeon Jailed for Over Five Years for Operating Unsafe Circumcision Service
The British Medical Journal reports that a former pediatric surgeon in England has been jailed for over 5.5 years for operating an unsafe child circumcision service. login is necessary to read the full article; we [...]
Brussels Collaboration Releases Landmark Article on Genital Cutting
The Brussels Collaboration on Bodily Integrity, headed by Brian Earp, is very proud to announce the release of its followup article, five years in the making, to its previous 2019 article on genital cutting. The [...]
Circumcision – Know Your Legal Rights
In this video – which was commissioned, arranged, and introduced by Attorney for the Rights of the Child’s (ARC’s) J. Steven Svoboda – ARC’s original board member David Llewellyn discusses circumcision and potential litigants’ legal rights. The following questions are answered:
- Who may bring about a circumcision-related lawsuit?
- What is “informed consent”?
- Who may be responsible for damages?
- What are the time limits?
- What sort of damages may be awarded?